I would suggest, when you start early in the game is to look for these rulers around the map. This quest will ask you to talk to 10 Nobles around the map. Once certain factions gets activated, it will be quite difficult to interact with this ruler. In this section, we will cover the first part of the main quest (Neretzes’s Folly).
Once you have completed this, you will then enable the next quests which I will tackle in the guide. You will only require to seek and talk to 10 rulers around the map. It tells you to that as you travel Calradia you can uncover a mystery from the past and its importance by asking lords and ladies (NPC) you meet about the Empire’s recent history. Neretzes’ Folly is the main quest in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Main Quests Guide (Neretzes’ Folly)